Product reviews
Product Description:
The Glucose Support pack with its combination of premium ingredients was especially designed to help you control your diabetes by improving your insulin sensitivity, increasing your metabolism and assisting you on your journey to lower A1C levels.
Pack Benefits and Indication:
This pack is recommended Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetic patients to support your journey for better health
Glucose Tolerance II (Berberine) - supports glucose levels and cardiovascular health
Magnesium glycinate – supports proper functioning of glucose, insulin release and decrease of insulin resistance.
Probiotic G.I. – proper gut health supports appropriate nutrient absorption and improved metabolism.
Vitamin D3 – lowers insulin resistance and A1C levels
Pack Ingredients: Learn more about this pack. (Include details on each of ingredients)
Magnesium Glycinate
Zinc Picolinate
Probiotic G.I.
Vitamin D3
Glucose Tolerance II